Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


Quraish life filled with idol worship and tend to attach importance to world affairs passion and lust, making the prophet of his people away from the association. As has been the custom of the Quraish thinkers who often spent time alone to get closer to god, pray expect given the grace and knowledge of the prophet Muhammad by the age of 40 years often do the same. He bertahanus keep away from the bad influence of idolatry in the Hira cave located in the constellation jabal Nur.Tahannus or tahannuf by Muhammad Husayn Haekal means inclined to righteousness, leaving the idols and worship to God. During the time of Prophet Muhammad tahannus run Shari'ah as taught by Prophet
Ibrahim. He worship one God, contemplate all of the phenomena that occur in the lives of his people while asking directions to be guided to the straight path as pious people to the straight path indicated
earlier that please Allah swt.In the glorious month of Ramadan, he did tahannus harder than other months. Reflection he becomes increasingly profound search for meaning of life really is. One night on the 17th of Ramadan, 41 years after the deed Aamul coincide with the year 610 AD, the prophet Muhammad in the cave of Hira bertahanus being visited by the angel Gabriel who brought the revelation from heaven. Gabriel said (اقرأ) "Read it!" In fear of the prophet answered (ماأنابقارئ) "I can not read". Then the angel Gabriel to the prophet body hugging tightly and repeat the words "Read it!" But still the prophet replied "I can not read".This happened three times, and then Gabriel recited the first five verses of Al-Alaq this to the prophet.إقرا باسم ربك الذى خلق, خلق الإنسان من علق. إقرأ وربك الأكرم. الذى علم بالقلم. علم الإنسان مالم يعلم (العلق 1-5)"Read in the name of your Lord who created, Who created man from a clot. Read, and your Lord is most precious. Who taught by the pen. Taught man what is not known "(Surat al-Alaq: 1-5)Surat Al-Alaq verses 1-5 is the first revelation which Allah revealed to Muhammad and a sign of his apostolate. Therefore, from now until the end of time to get revelation the Prophet Muhammad has been appointed by Allah as the last prophet and messenger of God who took on the task penyebarkan religion of God to all mankind.After meeting with the angel Gabriel in the cave of Hira, the prophet rushed home to his house and told his spiritual experiences to his beloved wife Lady Khadija. Hearing the narrative of her husband, Khadijah directly pecaya that what happened to her husband is a truth, but as a human being can understand what the cloud is not the meaning of that event.Khadijah asked the prophet to the house of his uncle's son named Waraqa bin Nawfal. Waraqa regarded as the right person to unveil the secrets stored in the story of the prophet and the angel Gabriel in the cave of Hira because he was a Christian priest who understands the gospel was even translated into Arabic.At the vicarage Waraqa, Khadija tells what happened to her husband. Waraqa look at every word that came out of his uncle's daughter is remembering some dihapalnya cut revelation of the Gospel. Once fully understand khadijah stories about the experiences of Muhammad, Waraqa cried with conviction, "he Quddus Supreme, Supreme Quddus. By Him who holds Waraqa life. Khadijah, believe he had received huge rahasiah as received by Moses. And indeed he is the prophet of this people. Tell him to remain steadfast. "Coming home from the vicarage Waraqa, the prophet Muhammad and Sayyida Khadija become calmer. They fully believe that the phrase Waraqah surat Al-Alaq verses 1-5 the prophet received revelation from the angel Gabriel is a sign of God's apostolic Muhammad.Time passed, but the angel Gabriel came to the prophet had not yet returned. This makes the prophet anxiety and doubt about its existence as a messenger of Allah. He expel doubts with invigorate themselves in the cave of Hira bertahanus. After a few times back in the cave of Hira bertahanus, he heard heard a voice from the sky. The sound it makes prophets tremble. He went home and asked Sayyida Khadija blanket.In a state covered with fear after hearing the voice from heaven, the angel Gabriel came to the apostle with the revelation that the second letter of Al-Muddatsir verses 1-7.ياآيها المدثر. قم فأنذر. وربك فكبر. وثيابك فطهر. والرجز فاهجر. ولاتمنن تشتكثر. ولربك فاصبر (المدثر 1-7)"O you covered! Arise and warn. And glorify your Lord. And purify your clothes. And leave everything vile. In giving should not expect a return to more. But, by the Lord patiently and chin up. "The second revelation was to be a solid answer for keraguaan prophet once a clear message that as a messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad should be called on his people towards the path of salvation which God approves Islamic beliefs quietly ruling the universe.

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